GPU Instancer:API Documentation

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Info.png  GPU Instancer Pro is now available (Asset Store page). For documentation of the Pro version, please visit GPU Instancer Pro Documentation.

You can use the GPU Instancer API to manage your instanced Prefabs at runtime smoothly through scripting. All the API methods are designed to be straightforward and to allow you to tap into the GPUI rendering pipeline. Using this API, you can enable/disable instancing per instance basis, add and remove instances, update transform matrices, use material variations, have a no-GameObject workflow and much more. In this page, you will find detailed information on all the GPU Instancer API methods and their parameters.

All API methods and descriptions can be found in GPUInstancer/Scripts/API/GPUInstancerAPI.cs

Please also note that you need to reference the GPUInstancer Namespace to use the API methods with: using GPUInstancer;




public static void InitializeGPUInstancer(GPUInstancerManager manager, bool forceNew = true)

manager The manager that defines the prototypes you want to GPU instance.
forceNew If set to false the manager will not run initialization if it was already initialized before


Main GPU Instancer initialization Method. Generates the necessary GPUInstancer runtime data from predifined GPU Instancer prototypes that are registered in the manager, and generates all necessary GPU buffers for instancing. Use this as the final step after you setup a GPU Instancer manager and all its prototypes. Note that you can also use this to re-initialize the GPU Instancer prototypes that are registered in the manager at runtime.


public static void SetCamera(GPUInstancerManager manager, Camera camera)

manager The manager that defines the prototypes you want to GPU instance.
camera The camera that GPU Instancer will use.


Sets the active camera for a specific manager. This camera is used by GPU Instancer for various calculations (including culling operations). Use this right after you add or change your camera at runtime.


public static void SetCamera(Camera camera)

camera The camera that GPU Instancer will use.


Sets the active camera for all managers. This camera is used by GPU Instancer for various calculations (including culling operations). Use this right after you add or change your camera at runtime.


public static List<GPUInstancerManager> GetActiveManagers()



Returns a list of active managers. Use this if you want to access the managers at runtime.


public static void StartListeningGPUIEvent(GPUInstancerEventType eventType, UnityAction callback)

eventType The event type that will be listened for callback
callback The callback function to run upon initialization completion. Can be any function that doesn't take any parameters.


Starts listening the specified process and runs the given callback function when it finishes. GPU Instancer does not lock Unity updates when initializing instances and instead, does this in a background process. Each prototype will show on the terrain upon its own initialization. Use this method to get notified when all prototypes are initialized. The most common usage for this is to show a loading bar. For an example, see: DetailDemoSceneController


public static void StopListeningGPUIEvent(GPUInstancerEventType eventType, UnityAction callback)

eventType The event type that was registered with StartListeningGPUIEvent
callback The callback function that was registered with StartListeningGPUIEvent


Stops listening the specified process and unregisters the given callback function that was registered with StartListeningGPUIEvent. Use this in your callback function to unregister it (e.g. after hiding the loading bar). For an example, see: DetailDemoSceneController


public static void SetGlobalPositionOffset(GPUInstancerManager manager, Vector3 offsetPosition)

manager GPUI Manager to apply the offset
offsetPosition Offset Position


Updates all transform values in GPU memory with the given offset position.


public static void SetGlobalMatrixOffset(GPUInstancerManager manager, Matrix4x4 offsetMatrix)

manager GPUI Manager to apply the offset
offsetMatrix Offset Matrix


Updates all transform values in GPU memory with the given offset matrix.


public static void RemoveInstancesInsideBounds(GPUInstancerManager manager, Bounds bounds, float offset = 0, List<GPUInstancerPrototype> prototypeFilter = null)

manager GPUI Manager to remove the instances from
bounds Bounds that define the area that the instances will be removed
offset Adds an offset around the area that the instances will be removed
prototypeFilter If prototypeFilter parameter is given, only the instances of the given prototypes will be removed.


Removes the instances in GPU memory that are inside bounds.


public static void RemoveInstancesInsideCollider(GPUInstancerManager manager, Collider collider, float offset = 0, List<GPUInstancerPrototype> prototypeFilter = null)

manager GPUI Manager to remove the instances from
collider Collider that define the area that the instances will be removed
offset Adds an offset around the area that the instances will be removed
prototypeFilter If prototypeFilter parameter is given, only the instances of the given prototypes will be removed.


Removes the instances in GPU memory that are inside collider.


public static ComputeBuffer GetTransformDataBuffer(GPUInstancerManager manager, GPUInstancerPrototype prototype)

manager GPUI Manager to get the buffer from
prototype Prototype that the buffer belongs to


[For Advanced Users Only] Returns the float4x4 ComputeBuffer that store the localToWorldMatrix for each instance in GPU memory. This buffer can be used to make modifications in GPU memory before the rendering process.


public static void SetLODBias(GPUInstancerManager manager, float newLODBias, List<GPUInstancerPrototype> prototypeFilter = null)

manager GPUI Manager to adjust the LOD sizes
newLODBias New LODBias value
prototypeFilter If prototypeFilter parameter is given, only the LODBiases of the given prototypes will be changed.


Changes the LODBias with the given value. Values lower than the LODBias in your Quality Settings will result in higher quality but less performance (e.g. more instances will use LOD0), values higher than the LODBias in your Quality Settings will reduce the quality but increase performance (e.g. less instances will use LOD0)


public static void ChangeMaterial(GPUInstancerManager manager, GPUInstancerPrototype prototype, Material material, int lodLevel = 0, int rendererIndex = 0, int subMeshIndex = 0)

manager GPUI Manager
prototype GPUI Prototype
material New material to set on the renderer
lodLevel LOD level
rendererIndex Renderer index on the LOD level
subMeshIndex Submesh index of the renderer


Can be used to change the material of a prototype at runtime


public static void ChangeMesh(GPUInstancerManager manager, GPUInstancerPrototype prototype, Mesh mesh, int lodLevel = 0, int rendererIndex = 0, int subMeshIndex = 0)

manager GPUI Manager
prototype GPUI Prototype
mesh New mesh to set on the renderer
lodLevel LOD level
rendererIndex Renderer index on the LOD level
subMeshIndex Submesh index of the renderer


Can be used to change the mesh of a prototype at runtime


public static void SetInstanceCount(GPUInstancerManager manager, GPUInstancerPrototype prototype, int instanceCount)

manager GPUI Manager
prototype GPUI Prototype
instanceCount New instance count to set on the runtime data


SetInstanceCount can be used to discard instances that are indexed higher than the given index count


public static Matrix4x4[] GetInstanceDataArray(GPUInstancerManager manager, GPUInstancerPrototype prototype)





public static NativeArray<Matrix4x4> GetInstanceDataNativeArray(GPUInstancerManager manager, GPUInstancerPrototype prototype)

manager GPUI Manager
prototype GPUI Prototype


Returns the native array that stores the transform data of the instances


public static List<GPUInstancerPrototype> GetPrototypeList(GPUInstancerManager manager)

manager GPUI Manager


Returns the prototype list of the given GPUI manager


public static void ChangeLODShadow(GPUInstancerPrototype prototype, int lodLevel, bool isShadowCasting, int shadowLOD = -1)

prototype GPUI Prototype
lodLevel LOD level to change the shadow setting
isShadowCasting True if LOD level is shadow casting
shadowLOD (Optional) Provide an LOD level that shadows will be rendered from


Changes prototype's shadow LOD setting


public static void ReleaseInstanceBuffers(GPUInstancerManager manager)



Releases Compute Buffers for all prototypes defined on the manager


public static void ReleaseInstanceBuffers(GPUInstancerManager manager, GPUInstancerPrototype prototype)



Releases Compute Buffers for the given prototype

Prefab Instancing


public static void RegisterPrefabInstanceList(GPUInstancerPrefabManager manager, IEnumerable<GPUInstancerPrefab> prefabInstanceList)

manager The manager that defines the prototypes you want to GPU instance.
prefabInstanceList The list of prefabs instances to GPU instance.


Registers a list of prefab instances with GPU Instancer. You must use InitializeGPUInstancer after registering these prefabs for final initialization. The prefabs of the instances in this list must be previously defined in the given manager (either at runtime or editor time).


public static void UnregisterPrefabInstanceList(GPUInstancerPrefabManager manager, IEnumerable<GPUInstancerPrefab> prefabInstanceList)

manager The manager that defines the prototypes you want to GPU instance.
prefabInstanceList The list of prefabs instances to be removed from GPU instancer.


Unregisters a list of prefab instances from GPU Instancer. You must use InitializeGPUInstancer after unregistering these prefabs for final initialization. The prefabs of the instances in this list must be previously defined in the given manager (either at runtime or editor time).


public static void ClearRegisteredPrefabInstances(GPUInstancerPrefabManager manager)

manager The manager that defines the prototypes you want to GPU instance.


Clears the registered prefab instances from the prefab manager.


public static void ClearRegisteredPrefabInstances(GPUInstancerPrefabManager manager, GPUInstancerPrototype prototype)

manager The manager that defines the prototypes you want to GPU instance.
prototype The prototype to clear registered instances for.


Clears the registered prefab instances from the prefab manager for a specific prototype.


public static void AddPrefabInstance(GPUInstancerPrefabManager manager, GPUInstancerPrefab prefabInstance, bool autoIncreaseBufferSize = false)

manager The manager that defines the prototypes you want to GPU instance.
prefabInstance The prefab instance to add.
autoIncreaseBufferSize (Optional) When true, buffer size designated for the prototype will automatically increase when there is not enough space for adding a new instance


Adds a new prefab instance for GPU instancing to an already initialized list of registered instances. Use this if you want to add another instance of a prefab after you have initialized a list of prefabs with InitializeGPUInstancer. The prefab of this instance must be previously defined in the given manager (either at runtime or editor time). Note that the prefab must be enabled for adding and removal in the manager in order for this to work (for performance reasons). Also note that the number of total instances is limited by the count of already initialized instances plus the extra amount you define in the manager.


public static void RemovePrefabInstance(GPUInstancerPrefabManager manager, GPUInstancerPrefab prefabInstance, bool setRenderersEnabled = true)

manager The manager that defines the prototypes you want to GPU instance.
prefabInstance The prefab instance to remove.
setRenderersEnabled If set to false Mesh Renderer components will not be enabled after removing prefab instance which will make the instance invisible.


Removes a prefab instance from an already initialized list of registered instances. Use this if you want to remove a prefab instance after you have initialized a list of prefabs with InitializeGPUInstancer (usually before destroying the GameObject). The prefab of this instance must be previously defined in the given manager (either at runtime or editor time). Note that the prefab must be enabled for adding and removal in the manager in order for this to work (for performance reasons).


public static void DisableIntancingForInstance(GPUInstancerPrefabManager manager, GPUInstancerPrefab prefabInstance, bool setRenderersEnabled = true)

manager The manager that defines the prototypes you want to GPU instance.
prefabInstance The prefab instance to disable the GPU Instancing of.
setRenderersEnabled If set to false Mesh Renderer components will not be enabled after disabling instancing which will make the instance invisible.


Disables GPU instancing and enables Unity renderers for the given prefab instance without removing it from the list of registerd prefabs. Use this if you want to pause GPU Instancing for a prefab (e.g. to enable physics). Note that the prefab must be enabled for runtime modifications in the manager in order for this to work (for performance reasons). Also note that you can also add GPUInstancerModificationCollider to a game object to use its collider to automatically enable/disable instancing when a prefab instance enters/exits its collider.


public static void EnableInstancingForInstance(GPUInstancerPrefabManager manager, GPUInstancerPrefab prefabInstance, bool setRenderersDisabled = true)

manager The manager that defines the prototypes you want to GPU instance.
prefabInstance The prefab instance to enable the GPU Instancing of.
disableMeshRenderers If set to false Mesh Renderer components will not be disabled after enabling instancing. Should be used only for instances that have already disabled mesh renderers to speed up the process.


Enables GPU instancing and disables Unity renderers for the given prefab instance without re-adding it to the list of registerd prefabs. Use this if you want to unpause GPU Instancing for a prefab. Note that the prefab must be enabled for runtime modifications in the manager in order for this to work (for performance reasons). Also note that you can also add GPUInstancerModificationCollider to a game object to use its collider to automatically enable/disable instancing when a prefab instance enters/exits its collider.


public static void UpdateTransformDataForInstance(GPUInstancerPrefabManager manager, GPUInstancerPrefab prefabInstance)

manager The manager that defines the prototypes you want to GPU instance.
prefabInstance The prefab instance to update the transform values of. The instance's Unity transform component must be updated beforehand.


Updates and synchronizes the GPU Instancer transform data (position, rotation and scale) for the given prefab instance. Use this if you want to update, rotate, and/or scale prefab instances after initialization. The updated values are taken directly from the transformation operations made beforehand on the instance's Unity transform component. (These operations will not reflect on the GPU Instanced prefab automatically unless you use this method).


public static void DefinePrototypeVariationBuffer<T>(GPUInstancerPrefabManager manager, GPUInstancerPrefabPrototype prototype, string bufferName)

T The type of variation buffer. Must be defined in the instance prototype's shader
manager The manager that defines the prototypes you want to GPU instance.
prototype The GPU Instancer prototype to define variations.
bufferName The name of the variation buffer in the prototype's shader.


Specifies a variation buffer for a GPU Instancer prototype that is defined in the prefab's shader. Required to use AddVariation{T} Use this if you want any type of variation between this prototype's instances. To define the buffer necessary for this variation in your shader, you need to create a StructuredBuffer field of the relevant type in that shader. You can then access this buffer with "gpui_InstanceID" see ColorVariations and its demo scene for an example


public static void AddVariation<T>(GPUInstancerPrefab prefabInstance, string bufferName, T value)

T The type of variation buffer. Must be defined in the instance prototype's shader.
prefabInstance The prefab instance to add the variation to.
bufferName The name of the variation buffer in the prototype's shader.
value The value of the variation.


Sets the variation value for this prefab instance. The variation buffer for the prototype must be defined with DefinePrototypeVariationBuffer{T} before using this.


public static void UpdateVariation<T>(GPUInstancerPrefabManager manager, GPUInstancerPrefab prefabInstance, string bufferName, T value)

T The type of variation buffer. Must be defined in the instance prototype's shader.
manager The manager that defines the prototypes you want to GPU instance.
prefabInstance The prefab instance to update the variation at.
bufferName The name of the variation buffer in the prototype's shader.
value The value of the variation.


Updates the variation value for this prefab instance. The variation buffer for the prototype must be defined with DefinePrototypeVariationBuffer{T} before using this.


public static PrefabVariationData<T> DefineAndAddVariationFromArray<T>(GPUInstancerPrefabManager manager, GPUInstancerPrefabPrototype prototype, string bufferName, T[] variationArray)

T The type of variation buffer. Must be defined in the instance prototype's shader
manager The manager that defines the prototypes you want to GPU instance.
prototype The GPU Instancer prototype to define variations.
bufferName The name of the variation buffer in the prototype's shader.
variationArray The array that stores the variation information.


Specifies a variation buffer for a GPU Instancer prototype that is defined in the prefab's shader. And sets the variation values for the given array.


public static PrefabVariationData<T> DefineAndAddVariationFromArray<T>(GPUInstancerPrefabManager manager, GPUInstancerPrefabPrototype prototype, string bufferName, NativeArray<T> variationArray) where T : struct

T The type of variation buffer. Must be defined in the instance prototype's shader
manager The manager that defines the prototypes you want to GPU instance.
prototype The GPU Instancer prototype to define variations.
bufferName The name of the variation buffer in the prototype's shader.
variationArray The array that stores the variation information.


Specifies a variation buffer for a GPU Instancer prototype that is defined in the prefab's shader. And sets the variation values for the given array.


public static void UpdateVariationFromArray<T>(GPUInstancerPrefabManager manager, GPUInstancerPrefabPrototype prototype, string bufferName, T[] variationArray, int arrayStartIndex = 0, int bufferStartIndex = 0, int count = 0)

T The type of variation buffer. Must be defined in the instance prototype's shader
manager The manager that defines the prototypes you want to GPU instance.
prototype The GPU Instancer prototype to define variations.
bufferName The name of the variation buffer in the prototype's shader.
variationArray The array that stores the variation information.
arrayStartIndex Start index of the given array that the data will be uploaded to the buffer
bufferStartIndex Start index of the buffer to set the data from the array
count Total number of variation data to set to the buffer from the array


Updates the variation values for the given array for the specified prototype and buffer.


public static void UpdateVariationFromArray<T>(GPUInstancerPrefabManager manager, GPUInstancerPrefabPrototype prototype, string bufferName, NativeArray<T> variationArray, int arrayStartIndex = 0, int bufferStartIndex = 0, int count = 0) where T : struct

T The type of variation buffer. Must be defined in the instance prototype's shader
manager The manager that defines the prototypes you want to GPU instance.
prototype The GPU Instancer prototype to define variations.
bufferName The name of the variation buffer in the prototype's shader.
variationArray The array that stores the variation information.
arrayStartIndex Start index of the given array that the data will be uploaded to the buffer
bufferStartIndex Start index of the buffer to set the data from the array
count Total number of variation data to set to the buffer from the array


Updates the variation values for the given array for the specified prototype and buffer.


public static void InitializeWithMatrix4x4Array(GPUInstancerPrefabManager prefabManager, GPUInstancerPrefabPrototype prototype, Matrix4x4[] matrix4x4Array)

prefabManager The GPUI Prefab Manager that the prefab prototype is defined on
prototype GPUI Prefab Prototype
matrix4x4Array Array of Matrix4x4 that store the transform data of prefab instances


Use this method to create prefab instances with the given transform information without creating GameObjects.


public static void InitializePrototype(GPUInstancerPrefabManager prefabManager, GPUInstancerPrefabPrototype prototype, int bufferSize, int instanceCount = 0)

prefabManager The GPUI Prefab Manager that the prefab prototype is defined on
prototype GPUI Prefab Prototype
bufferSize Size of the buffer to allocate in GPU memory
instanceCount (Optional) Initial instance count to render. Can also be set later with SetInstanceCount API method


Use this method to initialize buffers for the given prototype and set the buffer data later with UpdateVisibilityBuffer API methods. Please note that you will need to provide a positive integer buffer size to initialize the buffers successfully.


public static void UpdateVisibilityBufferWithMatrix4x4Array(GPUInstancerPrefabManager prefabManager, GPUInstancerPrefabPrototype prototype, Matrix4x4[] matrix4x4Array,int arrayStartIndex = 0, int bufferStartIndex = 0, int count = 0)

prefabManager The GPUI Prefab Manager that the prefab prototype is defined on
prototype GPUI Prefab Prototype
matrix4x4Array Array of Matrix4x4 that store the transform data of prefab instances
arrayStartIndex Start index of the given array that the data will be uploaded to the buffer
bufferStartIndex Start index of the buffer to set the data from the array
count Total number of matrices to set to the buffer from the array


Use this method to update transform data of all prefab instances with a Matrix4x4 array. By default all the data from the array will be uploaded to the GPU. You can make partial uploads by setting the arrayStartIndex, bufferStartIndex, and count parameters.


public static void UpdateVisibilityBufferWithNativeArray<T>(GPUInstancerPrefabManager prefabManager, GPUInstancerPrefabPrototype prototype, NativeArray<T> float4x4Array,int arrayStartIndex = 0, int bufferStartIndex = 0, int count = 0) where T : struct

prefabManager The GPUI Prefab Manager that the prefab prototype is defined on
prototype GPUI Prefab Prototype
float4x4Array Array of float4x4 that store the transform data of prefab instances. Struct reference is not forced so you can use any float4x4 struct (e.g. Matrix4x4 or float4x4 from Mathematics package)
arrayStartIndex (Optional) Start index of the given array that the data will be uploaded to the buffer
bufferStartIndex (Optional) Start index of the buffer to set the data from the array
count (Optional) Total number of matrices to set to the buffer from the array


Use this method to update transform data of all prefab instances with a float4x4 native array. By default all the data from the array will be uploaded to the GPU. You can make partial uploads by setting the arrayStartIndex, bufferStartIndex, and count parameters.


public static GPUInstancerPrefabPrototype DefineGameObjectAsPrefabPrototypeAtRuntime(GPUInstancerPrefabManager prefabManager, GameObject prototypeGameObject, bool attachScript = true)

prefabManager The GPUI Prefab Manager that the prefab prototype will be defined on
prototypeGameObject GameObject to use as reference for the prototype
attachScript (Optional) If false, GPUI will not add the GPUInstancerPrefab component on the prototypeGameObject


Use this method to define Prefab Prototypes at runtime for procedurally generated GameObjects


public static GPUInstancerRuntimeData InitializeGPUInstancer(GPUInstancerPrefabManager prefabManager, GPUInstancerPrefabPrototype prototype)

prefabManager The GPUI Prefab Manager that the prefab prototype is defined on
prefabPrototype GPUI Prefab Prototype


Initialize single prefab prototype for preparing runtime data and buffers for instanced rendering


public static void AddInstancesToPrefabPrototypeAtRuntime(GPUInstancerPrefabManager prefabManager, GPUInstancerPrefabPrototype prefabPrototype, IEnumerable<GameObject> instances)

prefabManager The GPUI Prefab Manager that the prefab prototype is defined on
prefabPrototype GPUI Prefab Prototype
instances List of GameObjects to register on the manager


Use this method to add new instances to prototype when you do not use prefabs (Ex: when you create a prototype with DefineGameObjectAsPrefabPrototypeAtRuntime API method)


public static void RemovePrototypeAtRuntime(GPUInstancerPrefabManager prefabManager, GPUInstancerPrefabPrototype prefabPrototype)

prefabManager The GPUI Prefab Manager that the prefab prototype is defined on
prefabPrototype GPUI Prefab Prototype to remove from the manager


Use this method to remove a prototype definition at runtime


public static GPUInstancerPrefabPrototype ClonePrototypeAtRuntime(GPUInstancerPrefabManager prefabManager, GPUInstancerPrefabPrototype originalPrototype)

prefabManager The GPUI Prefab Manager that the prefab prototype is defined on
originalPrototype Prototype to copy from


Creates a copy of the given prototype. After the changes you want to make to the prototype are completed, you need call InitializePrototype or InitializeWithMatrix4x4Array to create the runtimeData for this prototype


public static void AddPrototoypeToManager(GPUInstancerPrefabManager prefabManager, GPUInstancerPrefabPrototype prototype)

prefabManager The GPUI Prefab Manager that the prefab prototype will be defined on
prototype Prototype to add


Adds a pre-defined prototype to the Prefab Manager. When called at runtime, you need to initialize the runtimedata for this prototype (e.g. by using the InitializePrototype API method).

Detail & Tree Instancing


public static void SetupManagerWithTerrain(GPUInstancerTerrainManager manager, Terrain terrain)

manager The manager that defines the prototypes you want to GPU instance.


Sets the Unity terrain to the GPU Instancer manager and generates the instance prototypes from Unity detail prototypes that are defined on the given Unity terrain component. Use this to initialize the GPU Instancer detail manager if you want to generate your terrain at runtime. See TerrainGenerator and its demo scene for an example.

Detail Instancing


public static void UpdateDetailInstances(GPUInstancerDetailManager manager, bool updateMeshes = false)

manager The manager that defines the prototypes you want to GPU instance.
updateMeshes Whether GPU Instancer should also update meshes. Send this value as "true" if you change properties related to cross quadding, noise spread and/or detail scales


Updates and synchronizes the GPU Instancer detail prototypes with the modifications made in the manager at runtime. Use this if you want to make changes to the detail prototypes at runtime. Prototypes in the manager must be modified before using this. For example usages, see: DetailDemoSceneController and TerrainGenerator


public static List<int[,]> GetDetailMapData(GPUInstancerDetailManager manager)



Returns a list of 2D array of detail object density for the all the prototypes of the manager.


public static int[,] GetDetailLayer(GPUInstancerDetailManager manager, int layerIndex)



Returns a 2D array of detail object density for the given layer.


public static void SetDetailMapData(GPUInstancerDetailManager manager, List<int[,]> detailMapData)



Can be used to set the Detail Map Data to the Detail Manager before initialization.

Tree Instancing


public static void AddTerrainToManager(GPUInstancerTreeManager manager, Terrain terrain)

manager The GPUI Tree Manager to add the new terrain
terrain New terrain to render the trees


Use this method to add new terrains to Tree Manager at runtime


public static void RemoveTerrainFromManager(GPUInstancerTreeManager manager, Terrain terrain)

manager The GPUI Tree Manager to remove the terrain
terrain Terrain to remove


Use this method to remove terrains from Tree Manager at runtime

Editor Only


public static bool SetupShaderForGPUI(Shader shader)

shader Shader to convert


[EDITOR-ONLY] Shader auto-conversion can be run with this method without using a GPUI Manager


public static void AddShaderVariantToCollection(Material material)



[EDITOR-ONLY] Adds the shader variant used in the given material to the GPUIShaderVariantCollection. This collection is used to include the shader variants with GPUI support in your builds. Normally GPUI Managers makes this automatically, but if you generate your managers at runtime, this method can be usefull to add these shader variants manually.


public static void StartEditorSimulation(GPUInstancerManager manager)

manager GPUI manager to start simulation for


[EDITOR-ONLY] Starts rendering GPUI instances for the given manager in editor mode. The simulation can be stopped using the StopEditorSimulation method. It will automatically stop when entering Play mode. It is usefull to render instances in Editor Mode while using no-GameObject workflow.


public static void StopEditorSimulation(GPUInstancerManager manager)

manager GPUI manager to stop simulation for


[EDITOR-ONLY] Stops rendering GPUI instances for the given manager in editor mode. Can be used after StartEditorSimulation method to disable rendering.

Crowd Animator


public static void StartAnimation(GPUICrowdPrefab crowdInstance, AnimationClip animationClip, float startTime = -1.0f, float speed = 1.0f, float transitionTime = 0)

crowdInstance Character that will play the animation clip
animationClip Animation Clip
startTime (Optional) Start time of the animation clip
speed (Optional) Speed of the playing clip
transitionTime (Optional) Time in seconds for smooth transition from the previous animation clips


Start the given Animation Clip on the given instance


public static void StartBlend(GPUICrowdPrefab crowdInstance, Vector4 animationWeights, AnimationClip animationClip1, AnimationClip animationClip2, AnimationClip animationClip3 = null, AnimationClip animationClip4 = null, float[] animationTimes = null, float[] animationSpeeds = null, float transitionTime = 0)

crowdInstance Character that will play the animation clips
animationWeights Weights that will define the blending weights of the given animation clips
animationClip1 Clip 1
animationClip2 Clip 2
animationClip3 (Optional) Clip 3
animationClip4 (Optional) Clip 4
animationTimes (Optional) Time of the animation clips
animationSpeeds (Optional) Speed of the animation clips
transitionTime (Optional) Time in seconds for smooth transition from the previous animation clips


Blend the given Animation Clips and start playing for the given instance


public static void SetAnimationWeights(GPUICrowdPrefab crowdInstance, Vector4 animationWeights)

crowdInstance Character to set the speed
animationWeights Animation Weights


Set the blend weights of the playing animation blends


public static void SetAnimationSpeed(GPUICrowdPrefab crowdInstance, float animationSpeed)

crowdInstance Character to set the speed
animationSpeed Speed value


Set the speed of the playing animation clips


public static void SetAnimationSpeeds(GPUICrowdPrefab crowdInstance, float[] animationSpeeds)

crowdInstance Character to set the speed
animationSpeeds Speed values


Set the speeds for multiple animation clips


public static float GetAnimationTime(GPUICrowdPrefab crowdInstance, AnimationClip animationClip)

crowdInstance Character to get the time
animationClip The clip to get the time for


Returns the current time of the clip


public static void SetAnimationTime(GPUICrowdPrefab crowdInstance, AnimationClip animationClip, float time)

crowdInstance Character to set the time
animationClip The clip to set the time for
time Time in seconds


Sets the current time of the clip


public static void SetAnimationSpeedsForPrototype(GPUICrowdManager crowdManager, GPUICrowdPrototype crowdPrototype, float animationSpeed)

crowdManager Crowd Manager that the prototype is defined on
crowdPrototype Crowd Prototype
animationSpeed Speed value


Set the animation speed for all instances of the given prototype


public static void SetAnimationSpeedsForPrototype(GPUICrowdManager crowdManager, GPUICrowdPrototype crowdPrototype, float[] animationSpeeds)

crowdManager Crowd Manager that the prototype is defined on
crowdPrototype Crowd Prototype
animationSpeeds Speed values


Set the animation speeds for multiple clips for all instances of the given prototype


public static void AddAnimationEvent(GPUICrowdManager crowdManager, GPUICrowdPrototype crowdPrototype, AnimationClip animationClip, int eventFrame,UnityAction<GPUICrowdPrefab, float, int, string> eventAction, float floatParam = 0, int intParam = 0, string stringParam = null)

crowdManager Crowd Manager that the prototype is defined on
crowdPrototype Crowd Prototype
animationClip The clip to attach the event
eventFrame Frame of the animation on which the event will take place
eventAction UnityAction that will be invoked at the given frame for the given clip
floatParam (Optional) Float parameter value
intParam (Optional) Integer parameter value
stringParam (Optional) String parameter value


Add an event to an animation clip of a prototype


public static void AddAnimationEvent(GPUICrowdManager crowdManager, GPUIAnimationEvent animationEvent)



Add an event to the manager using GPUIAnimationEvent class properties


public static void ClearAnimationEvents(GPUICrowdManager crowdManager, GPUICrowdPrototype crowdPrototype)

crowdManager Crowd Manager that the prototype is defined on
crowdPrototype Crowd Prototype


Removes all animation events for the given prototype


public static GPUICrowdPrototype DefineGameObjectAsCrowdPrototypeAtRuntime(GPUICrowdManager crowdManager, GameObject prototypeGameObject, GPUICrowdAnimationData animationData)

prefabManager The GPUI Prefab Manager that the prefab prototype will be defined on
prototypeGameObject GameObject to use as reference for the prototype


Use this method to define Crowd Prototypes at runtime for procedurally generated GameObjects


public static void ChangeMaterial(GPUICrowdManager crowdManager, GPUInstancerPrototype prototype, Material material, int lodLevel = 0, int rendererIndex = 0, int subMeshIndex = 0)

crowdManager GPUI Manager
prototype GPUI Prototype
material New material to set on the renderer
lodLevel LOD level
rendererIndex Renderer index on the LOD level
subMeshIndex Submesh index of the renderer


Can be used to change the material of a prototype at runtime